Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What is Power?

Power is the strength of something. Some one or something that has power is having the ability and the strength to do something that other people cannot accomplish. By dictionary definition, power is the ability to do or act by political or national strength. All through out the year, we have experienced power. In animal farm, there was power. In animal farm Napoleon has power. He controlled everyone else that was apart of animal farm, he changed the way they thought, and he changed all the rules about animal farm. Napoleon was the only one that had the power to do that. He had other pigs that he would order, and they would put napoleon’s decisions to actions. Secondly, there was power also seen in Julius Caesar. The power was in the hands of Julius Caesar so every wanted to destroy him. There were many people that were on the side of Julius, but also there were people on the opposing too. Julius had some strength that others did not. There was also power in Industrial Revolution. However at one point, the stages of power changes. At first England had the power and they were the ones that could do everything. People wanted to come into England to work, because England first created factories. They started industries, and then competition began and brought in America. Power then changed to America that took the ideas of England and went beyond with England’s ideas. There is also Power in American industrial revolution. Also in the American Revolution, England had the power because the king of England was forcing unfair laws upon the communist, and getting everything to himself. He has the strength to keep the taxes because he said so.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Thinking about Globalization

This cartoon's main visual elements is the girl, and her dad saying "No, you may not outsource your homework to india." The girl seems to disagree with her dad, and you can tell from her facial expression and the scratch above her head, a way a cartoonist shows a character is mad. This cartoon is about one of the ten flatteners and definatly about globalization. The cartoonist's oppinion on this topic is negative. This is becuase globalization has gone very far and is getting better. In the cartoon, the father says to his daughter that her homework should not be outsource. In school, we get homework everyday, and everyday a piece of homework is due. It is apart of our everday schedule to do homework to be turned in the next day. The cartoonist's point in the topic is all said in the most important part of the cartoon, the speech bubble. The artists could have made this cartoon better by He could have added more items in the girls enviornment, as the topic is showing the rise in globalization, maybe adding more gadgets in the enviornment will highlight and strenghten the point more to make it more clear.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Population project importance

The three most valuable things that I learnt from the population project process were MLA citation, time management, and the ability to organize. To cite after visiting each website to get information came more into practice. Time management, because we were only given a few due dates and at the end, turning in the portfolio is what counted. And Organization, because if you couldn’t organize all the materials that we were given, we would not be able to put every material into a portfolio to turn in. You would need to organize all the facts from our research, into index cards, and putting them into a 5 paragraph research paper.

It will help us more in the future, because every time we get something from another site, we need to cite our sources. Otherwise it is known as plagiarism, which is being academically dishonest, which can lead to getting expelled from school. The skill to cite would be used a countless number of times in our future. Time management is also a skill that would help us in the future because as we grow into the future we are not going to be given due dates for every piece, or be told when we should have something done. We would only be given a date to turn in our work, and in the end turning it in is the only thing that counts.