Sunday, September 9, 2007

Feed back Sept 10th.

I think after getting the Socratic seminars done, I've accomplished one of my goals. It was to 'participate' in the class
discussions a lot more, and now i feel much more comfortable. I think i wasn't as comfortable in the first because we were
all new to class, and we were getting the feel of the class room more, so we must've been less comfortable.Another one of
my goals were to improve my writing skills. And i have in many ways. Just recently, our homework for writing in interviews,
was a tough writing piece, and unless we were very detailed and descriptive, it wouldn't have gotten a good peer edit score.
Time HAD to be taken, to write these pieces, and i did. It took me time, to think and i had to revise over and over again.
Now, i even have some pointers of how to make writing much more effective and interesting for the reader. Over all, yes, I've
met my goals i little more, but there's always room for improvement.

Pros and cons for the industrial revolution.

1. Countries became much more productive.
2. The common people had access to much more products, and not only the rich had to be able to afford buying these products.
3. Much more people were educated.
4. Gave a lot of work opportunities.

1. There was a lot of pollution.
2. Good quality products were rare.
3. The use of natural recourses increased.
4. It endangered the lives of many younger children.